
from the Virginia Tech Aircraft Design Information Sources pages

George Snyder, "Structural Design Problems in the B-29," Aeronautical Engineering Review, Feb. 1946, pp. 9-12. Interesting description of the structural design considerations. Also provides one of the first descriptions of what is known as the Yehudi flap.

Albert C. Kyser, "An Elementary Analysis of the Effect of Sweep, Mach Number, and Lift Coefficient on Wing-Structure Weight," NASA TM 74072, Sept. 1977. This title is misleading, the report really address the optimum combination of aerodynamics and structures for transport wing design.

Brian C. Hoskin and Alan A. Baker, ed., Composite Materials for Structures, AIAA, New York, 1986.

Frederick M. Hoblit, Gust Loads on Aircraft: Concepts and Application, AIAA, New York, 1988.

P.H. Summerfield, "36th Roy Chadwick Lecture-Manufacturing Breakout 1941- 1991. Development in aerospace industry manufacturing techniques," Aeronautical Journal, Feb. 1992, pp. 35-46.

D.H. Middleton, "The first fifty years of composite materials in aircraft construction," Aeronautical Journal, March 1992, pp. 96-104.

Max E. Bleck, "Annual Paul E. Hemke Lecture in Aerospace Engineering," AIAA Student Journal, Fall 1992, pp. 20-27. This paper describes the Beech Starship experience with an emphasis on the special considerations arising from the use of composites.

Michael C.Y. Niu, Composite Airframe Structures, Conmilit Press, Ltd., Hong Kong, 1992 available from the Technical Book Co., 2056 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 475-5711. This book is a companion to the structures book cited in the first section. It is also excellent, but has a few typos, and was clearly thrown together much faster than his first book.

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