W.H. Mason: Electronic Material to Support Courses

Several packages of material have been created to support my courses. This material includes bibliographies, class pages, software, and sections of manuals. These materials are summarized here.

Project Movies, etc. - DBF, Morphing and more

AOE 3054, Experiment 7 of the course notes, Aero/Hydrodynamic Testing

AOE 3054, Aerodynamic Testing, Appendix 3 - FURTHER INFORMATION FOR EXPERIMENT #7 course notes, Aero/Hydrodynamic Testing

AOE 4065-4066, Design

AOE 4124, Configuration Aerodynamics

AOE 4114, Applied Computational Aerodynamics

AOE2104 Aero Test Lecture (a 35M Zip file) This file is a ppt "package" with some Quick Time Movies.

AOE2104 Aero Test Lecture (a 1M pdf file) This file doesn't have the movies.

AOE2104 Lecture on Airplanes/Aerodynamics October 31, 2006, (a 2M pdf file) This file doesn't have the movies, but has url's to find most of them.

Information Sources

Aerodynamic Curiosities and Anomalies

Software Review

Software and Manuals
